Why to choose RAN-R LTD?
We can give you at least 10 reasons for picking us instead of our competitors.
1. We put our clients in front of everything else and we clearly understand that every business is unique, and therefore every client has got their unique individual requirements.
2. We are going to work alongside you to understand your business and help you achieve better results.
3. We count our clients as business partners for that reason we select the best team of accountants to service and consult you.
4. We offer a list of agreements and plans for making payments where you can choose the most suitable one for you and your company.
5. You as a client will have an access to a wide range of services from the accounting, tax and administrative field of work.
6. We are going to prepare your documents precisely, according to the agreement if you provide us information in the range of deadlines.
7. You are going to direct contact with both the accountant who is appointed for you and the manager.
8. We are going to answer you immediately without making any delays
9. We will be mobile if there is a need and we are going to provide you the accounting services on time in your office
10. In addition to that we will be planning for optimizing your cash flows and expenses making your company more profitable, saving more fresh money for potential investments, and making you more comfortable in your own business.
Accounting enterprise RAN-R LTD was established back in 1991 by Mr. Rosen Rangelov – a graduated master in accounting with a diploma reference № А 83 008302 and it was one of the first accounting companies after the market changes in the country.
At the moment we have a highly qualified team of professionals: 20 accountants, auditors, lawyers, notaries, translators and consultants who provide diversity of expertise and give complete accounting and tax business solutions, complying with the IAS/IFRS/GAAP, the National accounting standards, the present accounting and tax laws. We are ISO 9001 2008 certified by the international company TÜV Rheinland.
We put our clients first and we clearly understand that every business is unique, and therefore every client has their unique individual requirements. We are going to prepare your documents precisely, according to the agreement and in the range of the deadlines.
Our team has long-term experience in consulting new start-up businesses helping them to develop and become successful companies.
- Consulting services when you start a business within the country or in other countries
- Business consulting and financial planning services
- Due diligences
- Financial accounting services, analysis and consulting in relation to merger, acquisition and demerger procedures
Our Clients:
During the years we have shown our propriety, loyalty and confidentiality toward our business partners. Our clients include more than 300 companies from Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Luxemburg, Israel, Romania, Cyprus & China.
We have clients from various sectors of the economy, including a lot of sports organizations and associations. For three years now we have been providing the financial accounting and tax consulting services for tennis tournaments organized by ATP. We have also worked for a famous Bulgarian football club.
Cooperation with Ministries and Institutions:
Over the years we have performed audits of some of the leading companies in Bulgaria. We have worked together with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. Our team has participated in seminars of the Ministry of Finance, audit conferences, as well as in seminars of the National Revenue Agency.
We have done financial accounting analysis and audit of one of the biggest ice cream companies in Bulgaria as well as the preparation of the documents for the utilization of an international fund for new machines and facilities.
Accounting enterprise RAN-R Ltd has done the due diligence, financial analysis and valuation of a lot of companies including an international certification company, IT and transport companies.
We are proud that we provided a successful due diligence to one of the biggest IT companies in Bulgaria which led to the acquisition of the company by an international enterprise.
European Support Programs:
RAN-R Ltd executes accounting and tax consulting services for several agricultural producers as well as wine producers working with European programs for which we cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and State Fund Agriculture under sub-measure 4.2 Investment in processing/ Marketing of agricultural products.
We have prepared the documentation and reports for more than 30 Bulgarian companies that have applied for European support programs in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We hope that with our 30 years of experience in the field of financial accounting services, tax consulting and audits, today we have new challenges and opportunities in our business – analysis of the financial statements of our clients, preparation of projects for the utilization of European funds by our clients and preparation of financial reports for these projects.
International Partners: